Build Healthy Bones

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We exercise and diet to keep our muscles strong and maintain a healthy weight, but we often forget to put focus on another important part of our body: our bones. Women, especially the ones in the postmenopausal stage, need to pay more attention to their bone health because they are more prone to osteoporosis. Postmenopausal women have lower levels of estrogen, which may be one of the causes of osteoporosis.

But osteoporosis can be prevented or delayed by changing certain aspects of your lifestyle. Here are some tips that you can follow:

Quit Smoking
Studies have shown that smoking has a direct relationship with decreased bone density. So if you smoke, consider stopping. And for non-smokers, avoid exposure to secondhand smoke as much as you can.

Get Proper Nutrition
The right amount of calcium intake is important in keeping our bones healthy. Lack of calcium will make your body break down your bones for it to get enough of its needs. Aside from calcium, Vitamin D3 is also something that you need to be taking as it helps your body absorb the calcium that it needs.

Keep Moving
Just like how we exercise to make our muscles stronger, we should do the same for our bones. With the proper exercise routine, our bones can also get stronger. Usually, weight bearing exercises like dancing, aerobics, running and even simple tasks like climbing the stairs are good for the bones. Do consult with your doctor first before engaging in any workout to make sure that you’re doing what is proper and effective for your body.


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