Long COVID: What Are the Lasting Effects? 

The World Health Organization recorded 767,518,723 COVID-19 cases globally, as of June 28 this year. Out of the total cases, there were 6,947,192 deaths  

In the Philippines, the WHO noted that there have been 4,162,752 confirmed cases, as of June 26, 2023. Out of the total cases, deaths reported totaled 66, 842.  

Those who experienced COVID-19 had reported common symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of taste and smell, sore throat, conjunctivitis, body aches and pain, and rashes. Experts noted that those who have trouble breathing should immediately seek medical attention.  

Numerous cases reported not having any symptoms, especially those who were with the Delta variant infection. 



COVID-19 Duration  

A mild case of COVID-19 can last for one to two weeks. The recovery period can take six weeks or more for those with more severe cases. There may be lasting effects on some organs of the body, including complications in the lungs, brain, and heart. Symptoms of severe COVID-19 include:  

  • Trouble breathing  
  • Blue lips or blue face  
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure  
  • Confusion  
  • Excessive drowsiness  

Some people experience lasting effects of COVID-19 even after their infection. The ongoing healthy symptoms are called long COVID-19 or post-COVID-19.  



What is Long COVID-19?

Long COVID-19 cases are characterized by new or persisting COVID-19 symptoms experienced by patients even after their infection.  

Experts hypothesized that there are risk factors that can cause long COVID-19. However, studies and experts still need to establish a clear link and evidence to support the theory. 

Some of the lasting effects of COVID-19 include:  

  • Breathing problems: persistent lung problems arise after the infection, with recovering patients complaining of being short of breath after just light exertion.  
  • Heart problems: people who recovered from the infection had reported having heart inflammation, causing palpitations, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat.  
  • Prolonged loss of taste and smell: the problem usually resolves in a couple of weeks. However, some experience a distorted sense of taste and smell.  
  • Neurological problems: patients experience brain fog, fatigue, and headaches.  
  • Cognitive and Mental Health Concerns: There is a reported increased risk of depression and anxiety among patients. Long COVID-19 patients also discover changes in the way they think, concentrate, remember, and speak.  

If you are experiencing symptoms of long COVID-19, you should talk to your medical care provider and take note of your experience and how the long COVID-19 symptoms affect your life and daily activities. Your physician might conduct lab tests to create a treatment plan apt for your condition. Visit https://icare.com.ph/category/health-and-wellness/ for more health wellness guides.  








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