Skincare Routine During Pregnancy: What to Know

Pregnancy symptoms and experiences differ for each woman. Some had reported a more pleasant condition compared to others.  

Expecting mothers can see changes in their bodies, including their skin. These changes are mainly due to hormonal changes as your body adjusts to your pregnancy.   

Most skin conditions experienced during pregnancy improve right after delivery.  


Skin Changes During Pregnancy  

Pregnant women experience these common skin conditions such as:  

  • Darkening of skin: some areas of your skin might darken due to hormonal changes. The usual areas with darkening skin are the thighs, genitals, neck, armpit, and nipples. A linea nigra might also become visible. It is a dark line extending between the bully button and the pubic bone. Most of the dark pigmentation returns to normal after giving birth.  
  • Melasma: it is commonly referred to as the “mask of pregnancy.” The condition develops dark patches on the forehead, cheeks, and upper lip. It can persist even after the delivery of your baby.  
  • Stretch marks: more than 90% of pregnant women develop this skin condition. It is frequently seen on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, and hips. Pregnant women usually see it in the second and third trimesters.  


How To Take Care of Skin During Pregnancy  

There are some skincare ingredients that expecting mothers should avoid including:  

  • Retinoids  
  • High dose salicylic acid  
  • Hydroquinone  
  • Phthalates  
  • Formaldehyde  
  • Chemical sunscreens  

They should opt for skincare products with alternative ingredients such as:  

  • vitamin E  
  • green tea  
  • resveratrol  
  • Glycolic acid  
  • coconut oil  
  •  cocoa butter  
  •  Peptides  
  • hyaluronic acid   
  • Mineral-based sunscreen  

Before changing your skincare products and regimen, consult your OBGYN and dermatologist. Learn more about how your health needs during pregnancy here  




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