Who Needs HPV Vaccine?

Sexually transmitted infection known as human papillomavirus can be prevented through vaccines. It can help reduce the impact and can prevent most cases of cervical cancer.  

Aside from cervical cancer, it can also prevent vaginal and vulvar cancer. It can also offer some protection against genital warts and cancers in the anal, mouth, neck, throat, and head in men and women.  


Who and When Should HPV Vaccine Be Given?

Girls are recommended to get the HPV vaccine while older women are suggested to have the HPV vaccine with screening and treatment, if needed, according to The World Health Organization. 

HPV vaccine is usually administered to adolescent girls between the ages of nine and 14 years old. The World Health Organization now recommends one to two doses, including those 15 to 20 years old. 

For women older than 21 years old, the WHO recommends two doses within a six-month interval. 

It can still be beneficial to people who have already been sexually active and have one strain of HPV. It can still prevent other strains of HPV that you do not have yet.  

There are people not recommended to get the HPV vaccine, including pregnant women, people moderately or severely ill, and those who have a history of allergic reactions.  


What Are The Side Effects of HPV Vaccine?

The side effects of HPV vaccine can manifest as early as 15 minutes after the vaccination. If you are experiencing side effects, your health care provider will stay with you to provide treatment. Some of the side effects include: 

  • Redness, swelling, or pain around the area of injection  
  • Headaches  
  • Hot temperature and chills  
  • Nausea  
  • Pain in the arms, toes, fingers, legs, and feet  
  • Itchy red rash  
  • A rare occurrence of difficulty breathing  

You can closely monitor your health through regular visits to the doctor. For women, your health provider might suggest a pap smear to keep track of their reproductive health.  

Know more about your reproductive health needs here https://shop.insularhealthcare.com.ph/products/she-s-well.html  







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