When Should You Get a Mammogram?

In 2020, the Philippines recorded 27, 163 cases of breast cancer, with 9, 926 Filipino women dying of the disease. Early data from the Department of Health showed that three in every 100 women in the Philippines will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, according to the Philippine Institute for Development Studies.  

Aside from a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, breast mammograms also make the treatment for breast cancer easier. Breast mammogram is also known to lower the risk of dying of breast cancer.  


When Should You Consider Breast Mammograms?

Health professionals have started offering breast mammogram services to women, within the age of 40. Breast screening can help detect breast cancer early, which helps treat and cure the condition without any huge challenges.  

A U.S. Preventive Task Force recommended that women get their breast mammograms once they reach the age of 40, which was a change from the previous recommendation of 50 years old.  


Breast Mammogram Facts

There are common misconceptions about breast mammograms, which could hinder some from getting the screenings they need.  

Here’s the truth about breast mammograms:  

  • You need a breast mammogram despite the family’s history of breast cancer: early diagnosis will make treatment more manageable. If you decide to have a breast mammogram after finding symptoms of the disease, such as an unusual discharge or lump, it might mean that it has already entered a more advanced stage.  

There is a 99% survival rate with early-stage breast cancer, five years after diagnosis. Meanwhile, the later stage of breast cancer has a survival rate of 27%.  

  • Breast mammograms are not 100% accurate: there can be false negative results in breast mammograms. Overall, screening mammograms can miss about 20% of breast cancers present at the time of screening.  

False-negative results can be due to high breast density. Tumors can be harder to detect in women who have denser breasts.  

  • There are different types of breast mammograms: there are two main types of mammograms, which are the 2D digital mammogram and 3D mammogram, also called digital breast tomosynthesis, and digital tomosynthesis. The techniques for performing the two are just the same.   

The 3D mammogram provides 3D images of each breast from different angles.  


Be at your best self by being on top of your health. Other than breast mammograms, women need other health screenings as they age. Know more about it here https://shop.insularhealthcare.com.ph/products/she-s-well.html  












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