Is Your Room the Perfect Environment for Sleep?

Your environment can be a big factor affecting your quality of sleep. When the temperature is too warm or the lights too bright, it can hinder you from getting the sleep you need.  

 Ensure the best sleep with simple adjustments you can make in your room.   

Your Room Perfect for Sleep  

When you like your environment, it is easier to relax and be comfortable. A cluttered room can drain your energy while keeping your brain active.  

Aside from decorating your room during your waking hours, you should also consider how it will help you during nighttime.   

Sleep experts have tips to get that quality sleep by making a few changes in your room.  

  • Declutter and make your bed: a clean and organized space can help create a calming and stress-free environment, which can be conducive to quality sleep.  
  • Make the temperature in your bedroom cooler: Set your bedroom temperature around 65°F to avoid nighttime sweating and secure uninterrupted sleep.  
  • Eliminate any gadgets: the blue light emitted by computers, smartphones, TVs, and LED lightbulbs can prevent the body from emitting melatonin, which is a hormone that plays a role in sleep.  
  • Let your pets stay outside: Restless furry friends can interrupt your sleep.  
  • Mind the light in your room: make sure that your lightbulbs are not too blinding. Keep a nightlight on so you can avoid turning on the bright lights. In addition, a blackout curtain might help filter any external light. Sleep masks can also help you block out any light.  
  • Invest in your comfort: make sure that your mattress, sheets, and pillow give the proper support while you sleep.  
  • Place a humidifier in your room: lavender oil can help you relax. A humidifier can also refresh the air in your room, eliminating any stuffy odor.  

Still Having a Hard Time Sleeping?  

If you have implemented changes in your bedroom and sleeping patterns and you are still experiencing difficulty in falling asleep, it might be a good idea to visit your health care provider.  

You might have a medical condition or sleep problems that require medical attention and an expert’s opinion.  

A health care professional can help you cope with a lack of quality sleep or provide medications for your medical condition.   

To know more about the power of sleep, download iCare’s mobile app to enjoy exclusive sleep content.  

The iCare mobile app is available on the Google Play Store for Android users and the App Store for iOS users. 



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