Can Spending Time With Your Pets Benefit Your Health?

Pets have become more than just companions. For some, they treat pets as a well-loved family member.   

People with disabilities are not the only group that benefits from the loyalty and assistance of animals. Just being around your furry friends can help you feel better.  

Your Pets and Your Health  

A 2021 review concluded that being a pet owner is more than just a hobby. It was proven that it can have some beneficial health effects and mental health advantages.  

Having pets is believed to have the following health effects:  

  • Promotes physical activity  
  • Lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease  
  • Helps with loneliness and depression  

The study also cited that the companionship from a furry friend contributed positively to the management of symptoms of people with mental health conditions.  

However, the study also acknowledged some negative aspects of owning a pet, citing the psychological impact of losing a pet.  

Pet ownership has a positive result on people experiencing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).  

Interaction with animals has also been found to decrease levels of cortisol and lower blood pressure.  

Should I Get a Pet?  

Consider the following things before you get a pet:  

  • Location of your home  
  • Your work schedule  
  • Your family members’ condition  
  • Your financial status  
  • Sensitivity to animal hair  

You can also link your health goals with the kind of pets you are going to have.  

People who are looking to be more physically active should get a dog as it can help them achieve that health goal.  

A study noted that people without a dog have higher odds of being obese or overweight as compared to people who have a dog.  

Before getting a pet, always consider if you are capable of taking care of another being. Although pets can provide support, they also need a lot of care and affection from their owners.  

Owning a pet is a big commitment. They require responsibility, time, and attention. In addition, they can cost money for the price of their maintenance. 



HelpGuide. (n.d.). Mood-boosting power of dogs. HelpGuide. 

National Institutes of Health. (2018, February). The power of pets. News in Health. 

Hussein et al. (2021). Benefits of pet ownership: A review based on health perspectives (Unpublished manuscript). 

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