28 Dec What Happens to Our Brain When We Give and Receive Gifts?
There is a reason why gift-giving is part of the five love languages. To give someone a meaningful gift, one has to carefully consider the recipient’s preference and personality, knowing their needs and wants, and hearing what’s not being told.
Aside from gift giving being a heart-warming moment, it also has a biological response when we receive a gift from someone we are close to.
A 2020 study showed that spending money on others promotes happiness.
The Art of Gift Giving
People describe the feeling of doing something for someone else as a “warm feeling.”
The warm feeling is described as a theory that when we give something to others, it leaves us with a “warm fuzzy feeling” that persists over time.
It is not only inclusive of the physical act of gift-giving. It can also extend to other acts of kindness such as complimenting others and telling them how important they are to us.
It is believed that this warm feeling can help fight off interpersonal conflicts and mental health challenges.
There are also studies focusing on our brain activity when doing something generous. One study found that those who spent money on other people had more generous and fair interactions with other people and reported higher levels of happiness after the experiment ended.
This was compared to those who half of the people instructed to spend money on themselves.
In addition, there is also evidence suggesting that both giving and receiving gifts activate core areas of the brain that are associated with reward and pleasure.
The affected brain regions also stimulate the neurotransmitter dopamine.
The study also discussed that it does not matter whether it is a small or big act of generosity.
The 2020 study noted that someone who spends small amounts of money helping others each day may get a small boost of happiness each time. It then could compound and turn into a bigger benefit in time.
Generosity During the Holiday
Avoid giving yourself unnecessary stress when it comes to gift-giving. It does not matter how big or small your gift is; what matters is how much thought and effort you put into it.
Aside from material things, you can also express your love and appreciation to your loved ones by writing them a letter and telling them how much meaning they brought to your life. It is always a touching experience when you express your appreciation and affection to them.
If you are still unsure what to get your loved ones, a practical gift is always a good idea. Share them the gift of better health and visit https://shop.insularhealthcare.com.ph/
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