11 Dec Kind Gestures Warm Your Heart and Better Your Health
Helping someone with their chores, making someone laugh, or just giving a random compliment to strangers can make all the difference in their day. Aside from the warm fuzzy feeling, kindness can also improve one’s health.
A 2021 study noted that kind gestures can also be used as a stress reduction measurement and can promote better health.
It also found that watching kindness in media in a health care setting can help induce feelings of calm, gratitude, inspiration, and happiness.
Kind Gestures for Better Health
Health experts noted that kindness benefits heart health, adding that positive social interaction can lower blood pressure, cortisol, and stress levels.
In addition, a positive outlook in life can help improve metabolic health and fight stress.
Self-compassion can also play a crucial role in diabetes management, with a 2023 study noting that developing self-compassion helps in effective diabetes management. Diabetes management includes physical activity and close monitoring of blood sugar levels, which can be emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding activities.
The study noted that practicing self-compassion can improve outcomes of regimen adherence, blood sugar levels, and psychological well-being.
Kindness can also positively affect your brain through the increase of serotonin and dopamine levels. It can then produce released feelings of satisfaction and well-being.
Endorphins are also released when you show kindness. It is also known as the “feel good” chemical, which is the body’s natural painkiller.
How to Show Kindness
Kindness does not have to come from big gestures. It can just be a simple call to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, an effort to help someone who is struggling, or just serving your favorite person their favorite food after a long day. Nothing is bigger than something that comes from the depths of your heart.
If you are unsure how to show your appreciation, concern, or love to someone, you can start by offering to do their chores, such as spending time with their pets, helping them clean their house, or just spending time with them with undivided attention.
Being kind starts with having a positive outlook on life and feeling profound appreciation for your loved ones. The general rule when it comes to being kind: double it and pass it to the next person.
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