Get a Move On With the Family

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A veteran shares the tips to spare you her headaches and heartaches.

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Say No to The Sedentary Lifestyle

Face it: you can literally sit around and wait to die. Whether at home or the office, our sedentary lifestyle has resulted in higher rates of obesity, cancers, mental issues, among others. Only a 180-degree turn into a more active lifestyle can curb trends leading to early deaths.

1 in 4 adults still are NOT moving enough according to the WHO. Fighting this would be an uphill battle, but here are the Top 7 Benefits and Tips you and your family can look to enjoy with a more active, healthy lifestyle:


1. Improves Mood

If you’re sitting for more than 6 hours a day, you are 90% more likely to be more nervous, restless, hopeless or just plain exhausted. Get out there and do more!


2. Prevents Cancer

Daily activity lowers the chances of getting colon, endometrial and lung cancers. These afflict people who just don’t move enough, preferring to sit long hours in front of the TV downing junk food and sugary drinks.


3. Sharpens Memory

If you don’t remember to move, soon you won’t remember anything. That’s the finding of most experts who conclude that sedentary adults are just as prone to dementia as those born with the gene for this degenerative condition. Stave it off with a simple activity like taking a long brisk walk 3 times a week.


4. Stabilizes Blood sugar

Inactivity can cause one’s blood sugar to spike, reaching pre-diabetic levels. Choose a workout regimen, such as a balanced mix of cardio and weight training, to slash body fat to less than 25%.


5. Sweetens Sleep

Even intermittent exercisers know this: just 150 minutes a week of exercise means better sleep. The differences in sleep quality can be dramatic, as 50% of gym avoiders report insomnia.


6. Saves your Back

You absolutely MUST move while working at your office chair, at least every 15 minutes. This prevents excessive pressure on your lower discs that can lead to degeneration.

Walking or swimming 3 times a week also helps. And even while sitting and working, all you have to do is get up and stretch or walk every 15 minutes.


7. Strengthens Ties

Children can build treasured, happy memories of spending real quality time together with you, time spent actively engaging and experiencing the world.

We humans were made to move. Technological advances have, in many ways, made us forget this. We can take a stand and reverse this trend through getting into a new global active healthy lifestyle for us and future generations.

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