Need Medical Attention? Where to Go

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With so many medical care options these days, it’s confusing to know when you should go to the Emergency Room (ER) and when you should seek care at your doctor’s office or urgent care center. In fact, a large number of visits to the hospital ER are not considered emergencies. Many of these health issues can be addressed at a clinic by a nurse or doctor, by a pharmacist, or even taken cared of at home.

So, right off the bat, let’s define what an emergency medical case is. An emergency medical case is a sudden, unexpected onset of illness or injury having the potential of causing immediate disability or death or requiring the immediate alleviation of severe pain and discomfort. Incidents such as getting a cut that requires stitching, severe stomach pain or sudden onset of convulsions due to high fever are medical emergencies.

A non-emergency medical case, on the other hand, is non-life threatening. Examples of non-emergency medical cases are health problems that can be treated at home using self care measures such as a cold (runny nose, congestion, watery eyes, a sore throat, and possibly sneezing), the flu (sudden onset of a high fever, chills, muscle and joint aches and headache), a sore throat or a minor burn, cut or scrape. Non-emergency medical cases are best handled in a doctor’s clinic. Physicians at these medical clinics also have more time to perform more exhaustive tests to figure out medical conditions and other health issues (if there are any).

So when you need medical attention, where do you go? Here’s a simple cheat sheet for your reference.

Primary Care Clinic

Emergency Room


Respiratory distress

Common Cold


Sore throat

Broken bones and sprains


Severe abdominal pain

Skin infections

Chemical poisoning


Severe dehydration


Severe burns

Minor cuts and scrapes

Severe allergic reaction

Back pain

Cuts needing suturing

Ear aches


Pain in urinating

Uncontrolled wound bleeding

Mild to moderate Asthma

Animal bites

Emergency cases are not limited to the list above. There are more and, of course, you should always use your best judgment to guide you during a possible urgent or emergency health situation.

If you have access to telemedicine or a friend or relative who is a doctor, call them and let them give you advice if your case is a real emergency. 

Really, the best way to manage an emergency is to not let any health condition develop into one, if it can be helped.  Seek medical consultation when your symptoms first arise so that your condition does not worsen and/or your illness can be addressed promptly with less aggressive treatment.  Also, do not rely on the advice of your friends and relatives who are not medical professionals.  Self-prescription of medicines is also something you should avoid.

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