Newborn Sleep Guide

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Dealing with a newborn’s sleeping patterns can be a challenge. Babies usually sleep 8 to 9 hours during the day and 8 hours at night, waking up from time to time to eat. Here are a few changes that you can try to regulate your baby’s sleep hours.

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Consistent Sleep Times

Encourage your baby to get used to his sleeping hours. Make sure he gets a lot of light during the day time. Play with him and keep him as busy as much as you can. During the nighttime, keep the lights low and lessen the sound around him if you can. These ways will help your baby recognize that it’s time to wind down.

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Don’t rock your baby and put them down when they’re already asleep. Put them down when they’re drowsy so they can get used to falling asleep by themselves.

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Cry it Out

When your baby is about 5 months old, you can try letting your baby cry it out until they fall asleep, letting it last for a few minutes at a time at first. Start letting it last for about 5 minutes in the beginning before you pick them up to calm them down. Then lengthen the intervals until they get used to falling asleep by themselves.

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Don’t be discouraged at first when things don’t seem to be working immediately. Things are expected to be fussy early on, and effective sleep-training techniques may vary with every baby. When in doubt, it is always best to speak with your pediatrician before sleep training.

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