How to Recover from Burnout? 

Anyone can experience burnout, especially if you are in a high-stressed environment. Some signs that you might be experiencing burnout include irritability, isolation, frequent illness, and having escape fantasies.  

The World Health Organization noted that burnout is not a medical condition, but an “occupational phenomenon.” It added that burnout is a “syndrome conceptualized” as a result of chronic workplace stress left unmanaged. 

There can be several causes of burnout such as:  

  • Having feelings of lack of control: you might be feeling that you are not in charge of your own schedule, assignments, or workload. Lack of resources to do your work might also contribute to this factor.  
  • Unclear job expectations  
  • No work-life balance  
  • Dysfunctional work dynamics  

The key to preventing burnout is identifying it in its initial stages. It might sound shallow, but a healthy lifestyle is also a contributing factor to preventing burnout.  


Get Moving

Aside from the physical benefits of exercise, it can also better a person’s mental health. Several studies support exercise as a “noninvasive therapy” for mental issues such as depression, anxiety, neurodegenerative disease, and drug addictio


Set Boundaries  

Setting up boundaries is a form of self-care. In addition, making time for non-work activities restores balance in your life. Boundaries are a way of saying that you prioritize time for yourself outside of work, giving you a sense of identity.  


Ask for Help

There is no shame in asking for help. Reach out to your loved ones and trusted friends to listen to your concerns. If your workplace has an employee assistance program, take advantage of that.  




Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon”: International Classification of Diseases ( 

Health Benefits of Exercise – PMC ( 

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