Vitamin D Deficiency: What Are the Signs?

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are both vital components in building bones. Laboratory studies also showed that it can help reduce cancer cell growth, inflammation, and control infections. Recently, Vitamin D became a topic of discussion due to its role in the immune system, particularly in studies discussing its effectiveness on lowering one’s risk of COVID-19. However, an imbalanced diet that has inadequate foods rich in vitamin D, can lead to vitamin D deficiency.


Other Factors That Contribute to Low Vitamin D Levels

• Inadequate sunlight exposure
• Certain medications
• Kidney or liver failure
• Darker skin pigment
• Family history
• Some types of cancers
• Older age


Some diseases can also cause vitamin D deficiency such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, certain surgeries, and conditions affecting the pancreas.Vitamin D deficiency does not show symptoms immediately, which could make tracking and detecting the condition challenging.

You might be experiencing vitamin D deficiency if you are having:

• Frequent infections and illnesses
• Fatigue and tiredness
• Bone and back pain
• Depression and anxiety
• Slow healing of wounds
• Bone loss
• Hair loss
• Muscle pain
• Weight gain


Treatments for Vitamin D Deficiency

Treatments for vitamin D deficiency include supplements prescribed by a doctor and getting it from food sources enriched with the vitamin, such as fatty fish, egg yolks, yogurt, and beef liver, among others. Getting natural sunlight on your skin is one way to prevent or treat vitamin D deficiency. However, the amount of sunlight exposure would depend on your individual factors such as skin type, location, time of day, etc. Also, make sure to use sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage. Sunscreen may reduce but not eliminate your vitamin D production. To be better informed about your health status, get your doctor’s opinion.

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How to Safely Get Vitamin D From The Sun (

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