Cardio Vs. Strength Training: Which Should You Do?

Cardio and strength training can both help in losing weight. However, the two workouts work differently.  

Cardio can burn more calories per session. Meanwhile, strength training can change your body composition by building lean muscle. Depending on your fitness goals, both can be effective.  

Cardio and Strength Training: Which Is Best Suited for Me?  

Cardio exercises include running, walking, swimming, cycling, and dancing among others.   

An exercise is usually categorized as cardio if it requires an intentional coordinated physical workout that raises your heart rate for a certain period.  

One of the many benefits of cardio exercises is improving your heart health. Cardio workouts can help lower blood fats and improve cholesterol levels.   

Other benefits of cardio exercises include:  

  • Improved brain function: a 2020 study noted that cardiorespiratory exercises may contribute to improved brain health and decelerate gray matter, which is particularly relevant for cognitive changes in aging.  
  • Fights osteoporosis and manages arthritis symptoms  
  • Better circulation, which helps reduce signs of aging  
  • Lowers stress levels and better moods  
  • Increased energy  
  • Better sleep  
  • Reduces risk of falling  
  • Strengthened immune system.  

Meanwhile, strength training, also known as resistance training, can be done using equipment or body weight.  

When you do strength training, you train a specific group of muscles to perform a certain task, which can be squatting or lifting a weight.  

Aside from changing one’s body composition, strength training has numerous benefits such as:  

  • Decreases abdominal fat  
  • Makes you look leaner  
  • Minimizes risk of injury or falls  
  • Promotes body mobility and flexibility  
  • Better brain health  
  • Makes you stronger  

If you do not know yet which workout suits best for you, check your fitness level and start from there. You can incorporate more workouts in your exercise routine once you become more comfortable with your forms and movements.  

Which is Best for Losing Weight?  

All types of exercise can be helpful to your weight loss goal, as long as you partner it with proper diet and nutrition.  

It is recommended that adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, with 2 days of strength training to reap the health benefits of exercise.  

Variations in your workout routine may help maintain your interest and motivation. You can switch things up depending on what feels comfortable with your body.  

If you have a medical condition, it is best to talk to your doctor about your fitness plans.   

Be more proactive in your better health goals. Learn how you can do more when it comes to your health here 



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